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tag:bible21 [13.11.2012 08:04] vytvořeno
— (aktuální)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
-, I've really eyojned what I've read, here, and wonder if, perhaps, much like the Apocalypse has been pushed back until October, we couldn't add *another* two years.  I like  two years,  though   it's a short-enough period of time that things can (and do!) happen, but not so long that it's in the interminable future.A little about me: long-time Linux user, occasional author/ranter (Search for  Ken D'Ambrosio  and  Linux , and you'll get one or three hits), have worked for companies large and small (UPS, Cisco, Segway, various startups), and think Linux is really, really cool.  Indeed, in many ways, I think Linux has won: it's hugely popular on embedded devices; it's made huge inroads in the server market; it's becoming more and more popular with young  uns   or, at least, the services offered on Linux systems are.  The desktop?  It's going to be a while, yet.  Microsoft still owns that, and I don't see Linux wresting it from them any time soon.  Instead, I think it'll be the surprise attack that surprises no one: the desktop's OS becoming irrelevant.   Well, does Windows let me surf to my cloud applications any better?  Then  why am I paying extra for *that* system, when this one running Linux does everything I need?   Again   this will not happen quickly, but I do envision the day.Keep up the good work   please!+